Indigo Children
Are you an Indigo Child?
Born after 1900-high influx after 1970, all souls born after 1995
Highly sensitive emotionally although they often hide it well
Empathetic and compassionate
Introverted tendencies, require alone time to recharge
Highly intelligent, fast learners, excellent memory (photographic for some)
Spiritually evolved at birth- intuitive, psychic, & telepathic abilities although often suppressed due to lack of understanding or support
Often perceived to be “old souls’ from a young age
Highly creative musically or artistically
Strong connection to nature, plants, and animals
Often display symptoms of ADD or ADHD
Prone to addiction, depression, anxiety, & suicidal ideation due to suppression of creative or spiritual gifts
Prone to insomnia, nightmares, or other sleep problems
Sensitivities/allergies to dietary, chemical, & environmental triggers
Often feel lost or out of place before connecting with likeminded souls
Easily bored, dislike small talk, may seem anti-social if not intellectually stimulated
Quick thinkers, often impatient if others can’t keep up
Hold high expectations for self and others, overly self-critical
Difficulty with conventional and secular school systems
Non-reactive to authoritarian, manipulative, fear, or guilt-based discipline
Often rebellious and may get into trouble especially in younger years
Resistance to control and question authority
May have fiery temperament
Non-reactive to authoritarian, manipulative, fear, or guilt-based discipline
Independent, strong willed, and headstrong
Strong sense of purpose to bring positive change to the world
Truth seekers, easily detect lies and ulterior motives
“System busters” ready to stand up and dismantle corrupt or unjust power structures
Fluctuate between low self-esteem and grandiosity
May be hyperactive or seem inconsiderate when on a mission
Seek new ways to do things or improve outdated processes
More interest in uplifting humanity than material wealth or physical things
Often have unusual things happen around them or paranormal experiences
Sometimes perceived as strange, may feel like the black sheep of the family
Tend to prefer smaller circles of close friends over large groups
Inner awareness they have a mission to awaken the consciousness of humanity